I feel I'd like to know myself better,

 “I felt attracted by the divine light of my heart,” but now, I want, I desire, “to dive and swim in the divine light of my heart”

– Ashram India - Kanha Shanti Vanam. 

 So, I left my city and decided to travel the world.

Letter to God

“Dear God,

I love you so much. Thank you for loving me. Thank you for my existence, my house and my privacy. Thanks for my family and the courage and strength you have given me to live my life. I have a life! I am grateful! I’m beautiful, and I feel good in my body.

I work as a waitress in a hotel in Scotland. I am autonomous and independent! I work honestly. I can save money. The hotel provides accommodation for its employees.


It’s the first time I’m working abroad, and I came all by myself. I’ve been here for about two months now. There are several young people working in the hotel. They are friendly and they have made me feel welcomed. There are numerous Scots and also many people from other European countries. The area around the hotel is very beautiful as it is surrounded by nature, and there are mountains and waterfalls everywhere. This island seems to have been painted by God! What a beauty! I can go for many walks here, and I’ve been doing a lot of hiking. I work a lot, but luckily my colleagues are there to help me.


Also… since I left home, I’ve felt a pain in my chest, and I don’t think it’s for “missing my home, my family and friends”, a Saudade.  I don’t know what it is. I can’t bear this pain any longer. It is a violent thing that I am not able to identify or overcome. I’m really surprised by this emotion! I have never felt this way!


I would like to talk with you about my emotions:

God, how could I recognize and accept my emotions and feelings? And how could I become more empathetic, not only with me but also with other people?

Sometimes I feel like I want to cry but I just can’t do it, and sometimes I want to laugh but I can’t do it either.

Sometimes I don’t even know if the emotion is mine or someone else’s!?!

I also feel like I'm missing something.

However, just as I feel this unbearable pain, I also feel hope, which is weird! This island gives me hope. What a beautiful island!

My God, thank you for reminding me that I have emotions and that I can always improve myself as a person! I think that, for the first time, I look at myself wanting to improve and not just to judge. What a miracle! What are the solutions for my development here on the Isle of Skye?

What can I do to become a better professional?

What can I do to make friends?

How can I manage my finances to save as much money as possible?

I am going to try to focus on the present (and enjoy it), learn what I can learn here, and improve my English.


God, protect me, correct me and show me the best path for my evolution.

I want to live my dreams, become a "winner" in life, do good things in the world, learn from others and teach them what I have learned!

Please God, bless and protect my Guardian Angel, my family, my friends, my colleagues and myself.

I would like to get to know my Guardian Angel. Is it fine?

Please God,

Bless and comfort all the people who have made a difficult decision today. I support their decision!

Bless, and bring peace and love to all world leaders, heal their hearts, surround them, with angels of forgiveness and unconditional love, to guide them to follow the path of love.

I wish that only what comes from you reaches me and my family. Give us wisdom and a grateful heart.

Thanks for hearing my prayers.

God, please, I ask you to forgive my current, past, and future mistakes.


I send this letter to God in the name of Jesus Christ.

With Love, J Silv.


A man, a woman, and a child have the right to dream

I don’t need to say “no”. I don’t need to say “yes”. I don’t need to agree or disagree.

I don’t need to be assertive, to fight, struggle, pursue or have money.

I don’t need to be courageous, wise, or beautiful.

All people have the right to live in a harmonious and peaceful environment to access their inner selves and discover their mission.

I don’t need ANYTHING.

I have the right to dream.

Dreaming is my right, and fulfilling my dream is my duty.

“I want to hear my heart.

I want to cry my grief.

I want to serve God.

I want to love myself.”

when we are living a new dream in our lives, there is a "mourning/grief" that needs to be done, something from the past that needs to be left behind, or something that belongs to our personality.


One second

I went up to the terrace of the hotel where I work, I joined my colleagues and laid on the floor. We contemplated the stars. I am so small here! I felt it within myself and I smiled.

Thank you, God, for this moment and for your company. God loves me, and I love God.

Feeling small reassured me. I looked at the sky, and in a second, I gave him all my dreams and I took a breath.

- May I tell you a story? I ask my friends.

“Zeus was walking through a forest and saw Callisto, with whom he fell in love.

Wanting to get closer, he altered his image in the likeness of Artemis, wife of Callisto.

Callisto recognizing Artemis in Zeus, accepted him without suspicion. They made love and had a son, Arcas.

Hera, the wife of Zeus, not enduring the betrayal, transformed Callisto into a bear, who, feeling sad and angry, began to wonder through the woods.

One day, Arcas went hunting and saw a bear (his mother), who decided to open her arms to hug him. The frightened son immediately prepared to defend himself against the bear. Zeus, fearing the worst, decided to turn Arcas into a baby bear and sent both mother and son to the sky.

Hera, enraged, sent the two to the North Pole, so they would never have rest because they would always be seen by mortals.”

[history of the constellations Ursa Major and Ursa Minor]


I am responsible for my thoughts. I’m the one who gives the orders.

I am not my thoughts. They are just thoughts and they do not define me.

I am a spectator of my thoughts.

One thought can be replaced by another - I am courageous.


When we are tormented by our thoughts, we can take a deep breath and ask ourselves, "Am I able to identify this thought?

Is it a thought of worry? Is it a thought of uncertainty? Is it a critical thought? Is it a helpful thought? Is it a thought of judgement?” (meditopia app).


Kanha Shanti Vanan

Sometimes I like to sit on the floor in a meditation position, i.e. with my legs crossed and my spine straight.

I close my eyes, recognise the position of my body, breathe naturally, and say mentally:

First sentence: "I feel drawn to the divine light of my heart"

Then I wait for a while, focussing peacefully on my breathing.

After about five minutes, I mentally say the second phrase: "I immerse myself in the divine light of my heart".

I give my brain a command, and it reacts as it wishes. I don't need to imagine anything, a light, a colour, anything... I just mentalise, first one phrase and then the other phrase.

People have a tendency to consciously imagine/or mentally create ideas. In this exercise, I just order these two sentences to my brain and allow it to work freely, then if I get out of the exercise, I calmly bring my attention back to my breathing.

I don't have to force it too much; if my attention is distracted by any kind of "thought", I gently return to my breathing.


Each one of us belongs to his/her place

The world is vast… There is enough Space for everyone! (But I’m still afraid!!!) 

I have always thought I was inferior to others, and I felt my place was not what I wanted, I needed or had in order to stay there forever! I felt I couldn’t evolve!

But now, looking back, I think my place was ideal! (...) But even today I feel something strange about where I am. There’s something here, I don’t know what it is. I know I’m the one who is in my place but… I feel uncomfortable. And, it seems I need to be thankful for being in my place! 

That’s what I’ll do. Be grateful. 

- Thank you, mom and dad, for giving me wings.

"We were born to experiment, evolve and collaborate with nature and animals" - Dr Bach.


How to be grateful

I have a gratitude diary. I like having one. The one I think is best is a beautiful golden notebook.

(I divide the diary in half.)


  • In the first part,

I write about everything positive that happens to me and what I have as far as material things are concerned.

I may also describe my positive emotions. What did I feel on that specific moment?  


  • In the second part,

In the second part of the diary, I express my gratitude to all the people who have helped me, even the "random" people in my life story, those I never noticed, the invisible ones, for example, a person on the street who gave me information, a colleague who told me about a new museum that had recently opened in the city, a colleague who informed me about a job opportunity in another company, the lady who works in the café and told me about the "weekly promotions" in a supermarket.

“Now I can see all of them. Thanks.”

"Those who are grateful honour what has been given." - Bert Hellinger



I’m a waitress at a hotel on the Isle of Skye, which is a stunning island in the UK, and there’s a mountain here.

It is obvious that everyone who goes to Skye climbs the mountain… but not me!

I haven’t climbed the mountain yet!!! I am afraid.

Where is the love?

I was asked where the love was! – It’s in accepting the opportunities that life gives to me!

(And I was surprised. Love? Why? I don’t love?! I thought I…!?! I immediately accepted that the person was right)

I love to eat well, I love to learn, I love to dance, I love my family, I love to paint, I love my dog, I love courtesy, I love to work, I love cleaning, I love waterfalls, I love the aurora borealis, I love the beach, and the sun, I love clothes, I love essential oils, I love crystals, I love my friends, I love to pray, I love traveling. Do I not love?! I love a lot!!! That could be it, I love a lot! Love is in the World.

The more you experience, the more you love.

Life gives us many opportunities. However, we think we are superior to what we receive, so we refuse to accept them. Other times, we act contrary, we think we are inferior and we also end up rejecting what is for us. We think we don’t deserve it.

In fact, we tend to constantly sabotage ourselves by making egoic excuses or relying on limiting beliefs. It seems like it never is for us. It’s never our time.


Where is love?

It’s living my life. Accept life! And learn from experiences.


The blessing is so great that I can’t live in peace. I feel depressed!

But does pleasure hurt? Why am I hurting?

I am, because I care about other people’s opinions. So now, what do I do? I “think” the answer is yoga.

Yes, it seems the answer to my problems is yoga. It makes me understand that I can’t solve them because I don’t have a place to do yoga.

I prefer attending in-person classes.


Today I went to a spa

I loved the Turkish bath, the sauna, the swimming pool, the Japanese hot bath (42°C), the steam bath, the foot bath, and the hydra walk.

I walked in icy water over rocks. My feet hurt; I could hardly stand the cold. Incidentally, I felt pain during this spa day. I suffered even when I was entering the Japanese bath despite the water being hot. But I liked it. I smiled a lot. My skin thanked me. I love taking care of myself.

I drank tea and ate fruit. At this point I tried to practice mindfulness. I was eating watermelon, and I was focusing on my teeth biting the watermelon. But, for a little while, because I was so excited, I just wanted to talk.

I think I should go to the spa at least once a week.


I’d like to know what my limits are

I think those who know their limits don’t go crazy. 

Anyone who doesn’t know it is like having a neurosis.

If you know your limits and you get to a point where you know you can’t go any further, you should keep going and surpass your limits.

If you do not know your limits, you reach a point where, as you are not aware that you cannot go further - You turn back. Neuroses are like 'interrupted movements.

I’m constantly interrupted! I try to act, I deliberate, but I don’t do it.

And what are my limits?

- Act according to my values.

What are my values?

I don’t know anymore. There was a man who hurt me and made me doubt my values. But something positive came out of it; I realized I have some “imperfect” values and repression.

I’m tired of living with neuroses, and also, with wrong values.

What can I do?

I feel I should practice,

- Yoga.

Bert Hellinger’s thoughts "about interrupted movements" are very interesting."


Today, I remember: I’m courageous!

Get out of your comfort zone

Some people discover they are extraordinary, and others that they are extraordinary. “I go to paradise hoping to do something crazy. I’m living a passion! I’m going to Asia, I’m going to emigrate, I’m going on vacation! I’m going to do volunteer work! I’m going to an ashram!

It is important to remember: there is a difference between leaving your comfort zone and stepping into a dangerous situation.

Get out of your comfort zone but go with maximum protection. Protection is health. Protection is not the same as control. Don't be afraid to protect yourself.


I’m discreet, and I love that. What no one knows, no one spoils.

The best sentence I have ever heard in my life

“There are people whose hearts are connected to the heart of the earth.”


What's this about social media?

  1. This can’t help me improve my relationships.

  2. What can I do to improve my relationships?


Everyone has their limits. And you have your values. If you know you’re wrong, don’t do it.

A lot of times, other people don’t have the strength to say ‘No’. So, don't do it.

People have very difficult lives, and sometimes they are tired, scared, in financial trouble, desperate, and for these reasons they may not have the strength to say "no" to you. In other words, if you don't think your behaviour is right, don't do it. Have honour!

And remember, no one has the obligation to say ‘no’ to you.


Every day when I wake up

*While I am saying these phrases, I imagine my body emanating a brilliant golden light.

I am courageous,

I am abundance in God’s light,

I am abundance in God’s prosperity,

I am abundance in God’s health,

I am abundance in God’s gratitude,

I am abundance in God’s faith.

I give myself permission to make good decisions in my life,

I work honestly,

I am a mother/father to the world,

I should always walk forward, I should always look up, and I can juggle work and study successfully,

God, how can I be? God, how can I serve you?

I allow myself to be human and I accept my imperfections,

I allow myself to have a bad day,

I allow myself to take some time for myself,

I allow myself to change my mind,

I am capable,

I am my best friend,

I attract money in abundance,

I focus on my dream,

God loves me and I love God,

I believe in my inner strength,

I love public speaking, in fact the more people see and listen to me, the better,

I fall in love with myself every day,

I am responsible for everything that happens in my life,

I open my heart; express the love I feel, and receive love from others.

My project (…) will work!

I was born to be happy!

I choose to be humble,

I recognize that I have aptitudes,

If something doesn't work out, no problem, at least I have tried to make it work!

I support everyone who has made a difficult decision today.

I bless my existence.


*While I am saying these phrases, I imagine my body emanating a brilliant golden light.


How can I live my life?

I just need to breathe. And drink water.

I can either focus on the solution or I can focus on self-love, the important is to focus.


Words have value

When creating an e-mail or password, use positive words.

For example,


happiness@ ... .com

Alotoflove@ ... .com

happylife!@ ... .com


Passwords like:







Where have I been?

That there was no one who loved me.

I’m in Edinburgh. I know I feel completely fragile, so I have psychological support and I’m looking for a reiki master.

I met a lady, and I went to her house, which is where she receives patients. When I stepped inside the house… I felt uncomfortable. It was decorated in dark colours; I didn’t like the place because it scared me. I felt there was energy manipulation. I reject these kinds of environments.

Luckily, I had the strength and courage to look for another reiki master. I never do that. Even after recognizing and feeling the negativity from people and places around me, I am always hesitant in accepting my intuition.

I found another master who was a good lady.

I told her about my life, and I cried.

The lady gave me a reiki session and, at the end, she told me: “The Angels are telling me that you need to go to church”. I automatically accepted the suggestion and I went!

Scotland has many closed churches. Fortunately, one near my house was open. It’s in a building, which is sort of new, with an open door on the side. I walked through that door and I find myself in a big hallway.

Two gentlemen approached me and I said: “I would like to pray in the church, please”.

They surprised me by politely replying, "Of course." And they opened another door in that same corridor.

I looked at the altar and the pews, I thanked the two gentlemen, I entered the Church, and I decided to sit at the back of the room. There, I saw a bible on one of the pews and I noticed that there were holy bibles scattered around the church.

I started crying when I sat down on the bench. And I breathed in the lap of God.  While I was crying, I felt liberation since I was at peace and secure in there. When I stopped crying, I left the church.


(I reflected about it. I went to church, I cried, I gave God my remorse, God accepted it and He was waiting to hear me talk. And I, did nothing! I didn’t pray, I forgot to pray! I could have said the “Our Father” prayer! That I know by heart, but I did nothing! I had the opportunity to talk to God, thank him for my existence, ask him something, and did NOTHING!

It was the first time in my life that I felt a miracle had happened, I cried, and I left without talking to God. My cry was sudden, and it was supernatural.


I would like to discover the secret of life, of healing, of evolution. What can I do to live in a soul level?

What should I do when my ego wants to punch my soul? My ego bullies me. It’s bad, and it hits me. And my soul shrinks in silence. It would be nice if my soul screamed: “Help!” so that I know where I left her. Now I can’t find her.

Then my Ego feels sad and despised by me.

The biggest fright I’ve had in my life was when, out of nowhere, I listened to a voice inside myself saying: “I committed a crime.” And I was confused! I committed a crime!? What crime? I didn’t commit any crime. It was an intense and persistent voice, and it felt like intuition to me, saying “I committed a crime, I committed a crime!”

It was the first time I left Scotland - Edimburgh, and instead of going back to my parents’ house, I felt brave enough to be autonomous and independent, so I travelled to London.

The voice screamed inside me, “I committed a crime, I committed a crime.”

I spoke to a friend about my inner voice, and she said it was a limiting belief, not my intuition because intuition doesn’t accuse or scare anyone. She also said that I was on a good path as I was honestly fighting for my life. She said that the voice was my insecurity, telling me something was wrong.

I stayed in London and lived there for a few months. But I was always apprehensive as the voice kept saying: “I committed a crime.” What an obscure level of evil does my Ego have to make me give up on my dreams. It was a frightening feeling!

For now, I don't hear the limiting belief anymore; hopefully, it's gone for good! because I know it can hurt me.

(Although I would like to hear it again someday, to know that I am on the right path.)

Now, I even remembered that story of the two wolves in the ear: the good wolf (My Soul) and the bad wolf (The limiting belief). And it's me who chooses which wolf to listen to. Actually, I don't want to listen to either of them. Thinking is demanding enough, so I'm not interested in hearing them give me conflicting opinions.

So I entered my rented house in London, and the big bad wolf said, "Witchcraaaaafffttt Energy!!!"

And I thought desperately! "Oh!!! Why me?!!!"

My body has a life of its own because it wants to eat, sleep... but my mind?! I didn't know I had one! But how crazy when my mind speaks ill of me. (Hey!!! What's this!? Intuition!? Limiting beliefs?)

At that moment, I couldn't hear my heart beating, but I could hear the wolves talking! What a disappointment!

I work as a waitress in a restaurant, and London is a culturally rich capital. I also admire the decision-making power of the English people. They have always been very strong and brave, something I admire in both men and women.

What is life if not a constant process of decision-making and choices?

(Scotland, England)

But now I'm more oriented towards country life... so,

Came to Netherlands!!!

I work in a big open area. It is full of pine trees, all of them tiny.

I have to look after the pines. I love them! My job is to get the weeds out of the pots of the 5000 pines that are here! Just me. Maybe there are more than 5000 pine trees. Probably. I haven't counted them.

Pines radiate energy, balance the body and soul, strengthen the nervous system, help to prolong life and they have a white aura.

Every plant, every tree, has a body, a soul and a spirit, just like a human being.

The pines need to grow a bit more to be ready for Christmas when they will be sold.

I just pray to God that they all bring the energy of love and unity to the families they will live in. And that the families don't throw them away after Christmas! They are trees, living beings! Many pine trees die of thirst and are thrown away after Christmas! What a cruelty. We bought the little pine tree just to decorate the house. 

The pines love me. They inspired me! They showed me the way... what is the next step, after this summer's seasonal work!

-That's it! I would love to see the Northern Lights! I've never seen them before!!! I'm going to see if I can get a job in Northern Europe!

I love the Netherlands. I can ride my bike everywhere. Organised and practical people. There's just one problem: when we say something, they take it seriously.

One day at work at lunchtime:

"J Silv every Friday, after work, we stay here and socialise with each other. If you want to join us, that's fine!"

I reply,

"Ahh... thank you, but I won't be able to come".

They reply, "OK!

After 10 minutes I look back at my colleagues and say:

"Oh! I would love to come."

(This kind of attitude, that in 5 minutes I suddenly change my mind... they don't understand.)

I fell

I did not like it! Even more, I take Google Maps on the phone because I do not know the way home... I haven't memorised the route. And here it's 12 kilometres from home to work and from work to home.

I had a fall with my bike in the water channel!

Thank God nobody saw.

Half of me went into the water, the other half stayed on land and the phone went into the water too.

Luckily, even though my phone fell into the water channel, and even though it was covered in water, it did not break.

The canal was not deep, it was as big as my arm, at least around the edges.

As I had another outfit in my backpack, I changed clothes on the street, next to an "electricity box". And then I went home.

My agency has contacts with several companies

After the pine company,

I also worked in a nursery, taking care of the hortensias, in different colours, purple, pink, light pink, white, blue... and the bluish purple!

But of all the flowers I have seen and worked with, these are the most beautiful, the peonies.

Nowadays, I'm working in a new company, I'm putting the price tags on the potted plants! I just do it - I put labels on.


Something happened that I had never experienced before

Recently, something entirely new happened to me.

The agency I work for, asked me to change staff accommodation. "Fine, I accept! It's alright!"

Upon arriving at the new staff house, I discovered that my roommate presented herself in a more masculine manner, with shaved hair and clothing typically associated with men. After meeting her, I promptly requested a change of accommodation, as she did not fit into my expectations of femininity. The agency complied and relocated me.

However, this decision prompted disapproving glances from my colleagues, who interpreted it as a form of homophobia.

I cannot be forced to feel comfortable sharing a room with a stranger who identifies and presents themselves as a man, because I am a woman.

It's important to note that this situation was an isolated case of room sharing. I did not reject this colleague in a work project or at the dinner table.

Since then, I have been reflecting on this issue. Was my attitude incorrect? Did I disrespect a person out of sheer ignorance and malice?


I lost the key!

I lost the key!

I have lost the key to the staff house.

The key to the staff house has a key ring with the address of the staff house on it!!!

(OK, tomorrow I'll go to the shops I've been to and look for the key... Have a look! )

The next day,

(Someone stole my bike last night! OK, today I'll buy another bike!)


Finland - Winter Season

The Sami, also known as Laplanders,

are the only indigenous people living in Europe. They live in the Lapland region - Finland, Norway, Sweden and Russia. They live from fishing, hunting and reindeer herding.


The best colleagues I've ever had and the best living conditions.

The resort is huge and wonderful!

It has a huge art gallery! a planetarium, various activities, wild reindeer, reindeer safaris... husky safaris, cross-country skiing, glass igloos, the polar night, the aurora borealis. Santa Claus! Art everywhere.

Wooden cabins, privacy, peace, snow.

It's beautiful. One of the most beautiful places I've ever been.

I live in my first apartment

I sit at the dining table and I play the flute - the song from Aladdin that i found on the internet. In fact, I'm not very good at music, I can't play it well. However, one day, I played a musical instrument, and I did it! When I finished, I felt really happy, and I applauded myself for about 2 to 3 seconds for doing it. I went back to being a kid, that is, I was genuine, and the feeling was great.

Now, when I do something well, I praise myself, even if it's on purpose. It’s good for me to recognize my achievements.

Since then, when I play Aladdin’s music, I begin feeling totally fine but, in the middle of the song, I feel something strange, I lose focus, and I panic. My attentive mind suddenly wonders and I abstract from the music. I stop, look around, and ask:

“Why do I feel unsafe playing the song? No one rang the doorbell, my house is intact, and I’m fine.”

I also learnt something important playing the flute, which was that,

the act of playing this instrument reminds me that when I communicate, there are moments to speak and others to listen. In between speaking and listening, I breathe.

All I need is to breathe.


I don’t like to talk on the cell phone, and it is even worse if it’s a video call

  • I feel like I’m talking to death.

  • I've got an idea, I'm going to sign up for an online course.


If our parents gave us a name, we should use it. We should not be addressed by nicknames in order to honour and respect those who gave us life.

About time

I suggest three months minimum to change a behaviour/ thought pattern.

 (Three months in an ashram in India, three months consulting a psychologist, three months doing international volunteer work, three months taking piano lessons, three months of workouts…)


Wait up to 72 hours for an answer. If you don’t receive an answer in 72 hours, it’s because they reject you (unless the other person has lost their cell phone or computer, is on vacation, or is sick, that is, they have some credible justification).

You can start again at any time.

In love relationship, date someone 5 to 7 years younger or older than you. (just because you might have more in common).


"I deserve to be loved for who I am, which means I don't have to struggle to deserve love.”

(The first time I held My dog, I felt love (but not imprisonment) towards him.

It was a different feeling I had never felt before.

Animal Love is pure, free and unconditional, summing up, it is a courageous love.

It’s a love that recognizes that he’s a dog and I’m a person, that is, a fraternal love.

I love playing with the stick, and he does too. He was so happy with his paws walking around excitedly waiting for me to throw the stick so that he could start running.

You can see such a joy on his face! On that day, the world received love in the heart. My God, he is powerful. He can bring joy, motivation, strength, desire!

I like to praise my dog so that he can always remember that he is good. I tell him he is the expression of light on earth, he is the fairy of empathy, who was born with the mission of teaching humans how to love!

And he looks at me and he barks at me, he barks at people, he is aggressive towards other dogs. He’s ordinary, and rude! He goes to the window to bark at the neighbours. All people and animals on Earth seem to be born with a veil of oblivion. But we've all come to earth to love. )

(A memory)

I feel like no one is going to save me, and I’m going to need help. I’m afraid. No one will be there!!!!!

Well, one person will be there!



It is important to bear in mind that tea is medicine. Pregnant women and people with health issues should ask their doctor if they can drink certain types of tea.

“Red fruit tea:

I love its fragrance.

This tea accelerates the metabolism and improves digestion.

Green tea:

Since it contains antioxidants, it helps prevent some types of cancer. It strengthens the immune system, and it has a diuretic effect, that is, it helps eliminate excessive body fluid which reduces swelling and helps with weight loss. It regulates blood sugar levels, and it can prevent Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. It contains caffeine.

Chamomile tea:

It helps you relax, improves your sleep quality and digestion.

Artichoke Tea:

It helps maintain your liver healthy, it has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects, it prevents premature aging of the skin, it controls cholesterol, and it reduces blood pressure.

Horsetail Tea:

It removes fat plaques and improves blood circulation.

Rosemary tea is good for the heart.

Ginger tea: It’s good for the stomach.

Boldo tea: It is used for improving poor digestion, gastritis and intestinal strains.

Peppermint tea: It helps relieve irritable bowel symptoms.


Where is the love?

Am I on the right path? It seems that sometimes I get it right..., sometimes I do nothing. I lose, I win, and I feel joy and I feel guilt. But in the end, the important thing is how I treat myself after each chapter of my life.

“Love is always the answer.”


Vitamin Supplements

  • Royal Jelly: “Super food, the “superior” Honey of the Queen Bee.

  • Moringa Oleifera.

  • 4 almonds a day and a Brazil nut.


Letter to God

Hello God,   

I love you so much. Today was my day off and the weather was fine. I always work in "winter countries". I don't like it.   

I went for a walk in the street and it was amazing. Last night I went out to a pub. I really enjoyed it. I like to dance. I don't like to drink alcohol though, I feel good sober. I just wanted to dance. I loved the company. I went with my colleagues who kindly invited me. How lucky I am!  

There is a shop in the area that sells a beautiful padded jacket that I would love to buy. But it's too expensive!  

By the way... I've been thinking about something lately!    

I want to go to an ashram in India!!! I want to!  I've seen some online and I thought one was really nice. Please...  

What do you think? 

Thank you for helping me to step out of my comfort zone. I love it. I'm in Lapland!!! I saw a snowflake!   

God, thank you for my job, which has accommodation for the staff. I can save money. And I'm staying with colleagues I really like.  

But unfortunately not everything in my life is good. 

You know it's hard not to have my family around me, so thank you for giving me strength and a job that allows me to live my life. I know you care about me. But there are moments that are difficult. I feel sad, and that pain in my heart... it persists. The one I already felt in Scotland... do you remember? I still feel it. I don't know what to do. It hurts.

I want you to help me to grow up, to be an adult, to be responsible or just to be.  

I thought...  

I have never reflected on my attitudes, but I have read somewhere or been told that we should do this to learn from our mistakes. I think this exercise could help me.

For me, reflecting means putting my hands on my chest and asking "why? Reflection is acting like a child and asking "why? I used to think that reflecting was asking what I had learned from a situation. Sometimes there's nothing to learn from a situation or from people, so the right thing to do is to ask:  

Why was my relationship with 'this Portuguese man' so destructive?   

Why do I feel “lost” in my life? Why do i feel so lonely?

When I ask myself these questions, only one comes to mind:   

"Where is the love?"  


Love is in the sentence I say to myself, "I am courageous!"  

God, how can I develop my courage? 


By the way, I have already fulfilled some of my dreams.   

I have seen the Northern Lights, worked with plants and loved it! I am financially independent; I have already embraced meeting new people and I feel blessed by the opportunities life has given me to work, learn and have fun.  

I have a harmonious and healthy relationship with my family. Everything is a miracle! I thank all the people who have helped me make my dreams come true and who have always protected me.  

Recognizing that I have fulfilled some of my dreams is a great victory for me! I can recognize that I have done it!

God, in the past, I always asked you, I prayed a lot… I prayed with all my strength, for there to be unity in my family, and ... now, I live far away from all of them. (…)


God, bless my guardian angel, my family and my work. 

God bless all the people who had to make a difficult decision in their lives today. I am with them. 

God, please forgive me for my present, past and future mistakes.  

I thank You. 

I send this letter to God in the name of Jesus Christ.

With love,

J Silv.


The bartender

I have just left work and come home. I've already had my shower, applied all the moisturisers and oils to my skin, and I'm going to the resort bar for my tea!

Hello J Silv, how are you? - asked my colleague from the bar.

I'm fine and you?

It's a bit quiet today, what would you like to drink? - he asked me.

I'd like camomile tea, please.

(He creates bad karma by selling poison to people every day! He only works with alcoholic drinks and makes people drunk!

Well, maybe this is extremist thinking.)

You're glowing! - He told me.

Yes, I like to put my essential oils on my face before I go to bed. - I replied.

And we talked for a while.

I really enjoy talking to him, but that's all it is, talking to him.


I have to stop

I have to admit that I never dreamed of this life as an immigrant. It's good.

What a peace, I can see people, know them, hear them.


The Portuguese have always been emigrants. I see forced emigration as a dysfunctional pattern of a people that needs to be cured. I don't know...

Families are always separated, there are always people missing! Families are the basis of society, how will Portugal develop with "absent" families?

"It is missing fulfill Portugal”. Said one of our great geniuses - Fernando Pessoa.

How can this happen without the Portuguese?

It's sad.

“Being an emigrant means being alone,

It's being grateful for a simple invitation for coffee from a colleague,

It's to be afraid, even when you show greatness and courage.

It's a complete devotion to pray.

Being an emigrant means being surprised,

It's getting to know personalities,

Often I don't even know the person, nor his life story, I only know his dreams. And that's enough for me to feel integrated.

Being an emigrant means feeling the soul of the Earth,

To travel through nature,

"I don't even know what snow is,

or the northern lights,

and in winter there is no sun,

And it seems that the moon doesn't even come in the summer."

What an amazing world!

And I'm very happy to see snow, but only for a few weeks, then it's a nuisance!

To be an emigrant is to have crises and sorrows,

and not even knowing where they come from.

It's being strange and rude,

To be an immigrant is to be real.

You can't pretend to be something you're not.

It is a process of rebuilding and learning.

It's getting better.

It's being humble and realising that I don't know!

And to recognise that, there are people who are better than me, with better educations, and much better cultures and philosophies of life! From better countries than mine!

They even are better daughters than me!

To be an emigrant is to confess your ignorance and weakness to God.

And ask for healing.

To be an emigrant is to be profound,

In truth,

We just feel the maximum madness that life can offer.

And it is amazing.

But the best of being an emigrant is becoming a mum to the world."

J Silv

Today is my day off

and the weather is bad.

I cleaned the house. I went to the supermarket.

I soaked my hair in rosemary tea and made a homemade mask for my face and hands. My hands are very dry. Then I had a shower! I ate chips!

Robert Rey plastic surgeon - My face mask is to mix the ingredients in a bowl:

2 tablespoons of oatmeal,

hot water

1 spoon of yoghurt,

Half an orange,

1 egg white,

1 spoon of cocoa,

Two tablespoons of avocado,

1 dessert spoon of honey,

Half a coffee spoon of yeast,

a tea bag of camomile (I cut the bag and take out the dried camomile leaves)

After washing my face well, I put this mixture on my face and leave it on for about 10 minutes. I also put it in my hands.

Where is the love?
Love is in communication.


Tonight I worked in the restaurant

The restaurant has lots of candles, every table has a white candle, and there are also some huge candles in the fireplace.

The restaurant has a big stone fireplace. Around the fireplace are several Santa Claus elves, who are very scary looking. They have lots of dark fur on their faces and bodies. They look like ugly elf bears. They are scattered around the fireplace. My bosses love art, even Santa's elves have a different design - but an ugly one! 

As I lit the candles, I thought of an intention. Candles have power. I'd go around the restaurant with a lighter in my hand and light the candles, one I'd give the intention of purification, the other candle the intention of forgiveness, the other candle, healing.

In short, there are so many intentions i can give to a candle,

Prayer, Faith, Self-Love, Affection, Learning, Respect, Solidarity, Evolution, Harmony, Inner Peace, Prosperity, Success, Respect, Joy, Fun, Strength, Courage, Responsibility.

Every candle has the power to radiate energy and it radiates the energy we ask of it.

The candles here are white. I like white candles. Even when I buy them for myself, they're always white.

I always look at the colour of the candles. I never buy black candles. The colours of the candles also give energy. Black candles are very negative.

But I've been told that the world has a very dense energy at this time and you shouldn't light candles! Any candle lit is enough to attract a witchcraft work.

Only highly evolved people - people with very good hearts, can light candles. As soon as ordinary mortals light a candle, they attract all kinds of spirits! That's because the energy vibration level of mortals is mediocre, and that's what they attract - mediocrity.

The world has a very dense energy these days! I'm scared!


It's minus 11 outside

It's not snowing! Great day for a run!


Letter To God

For my family:

"My God, I pray with all my heart that you will always let them achieve their dreams and give them a healthy live to enjoy them.

Thank you, My Lord!"

It is in the name of Jesus Christ that I send this letter to God.

J Silv.


Letter to God

Dear God, I love you very much,

I thank you for your existence and I can say that nature has surprised me.

God, I keep thinking, "Where is the love?"

150 years ago nobody knew that we could all learn to read and write! It was thought that only very intelligent people could do that.

Is it the same with love?

Haven't we humans discovered that we can all love and be loved?

By the way, being courageous means doing good in the world!

in other words, collaborating with others.

What about emigration?

I'm tired of being an emigrant!

God, I love you very much. Forgive me for my faults , from the past and from the future.

Bless me and give me wisdom. May I be strong with the strong people and weak with the weak people.

Help me to be tolerant and to respect differences. I still have a lot of trouble respecting the differences between people.

God, I think my colleague - the bartender - is handsome. Now what? What do I do now?

It is in the name of Jesus Christ that I send this letter to God.

J Silv.


It's my birthday and my colleagues sang "Happy Birthday" to me when I arrived at work. I'm very happy. They made a cake (with the cakes left over from the clients' breakfast) and put a candle on it.

(Everyone was singing Happy Birthday and I was... staring at the candle, scared...) !!!! Well, I discovered that ordinary mortals shouldn't light candles!!!! So as not to attract evil spirits! )

I blew out the candle. Then I held the candle in my hand and when I was alone in the lift, I bit into the candle and made several wishes. I asked for anything and everything - the Portuguese tradition of biting candles.

"May God always give me health and a dream to live for.

May God always allow me to see love in everyone.

Today I choose to be happy! Today I am really happy!

In the evening I went to meet my colleagues, sat down at the bar and talked, of course... First with the barman!

Several of my colleagues were in the hotel bar, and two of them were preparing to play chess.

I automatically corrected the position where they had placed the board... They've just started playing chess! And I, of course, showed that I knew something!

The boy lost and the girl won. Both humbled by the desire to learn the game. Then I asked to play with the girl. And I arrive "full of myself" and I've lost the game!

The barman says: " J'Silv! You were so convinced you were going to win and you ended up losing. And I pretended to be fine, laughing out loud. But inside I was very offended by the situation!

On the chess board, the square in the bottom right-hand corner of the board is always white.


We Serve GOD

Today as I arrived at work, I learned that the homeland of several of my colleagues had been attacked militarily overnight by another country! They were all there, present and punctual, ready to start their workday. And there I was... standing still, silent. The silence of the morning persisted... and the pain wasn't theirs alone, it was shared by all of us... the colleagues. I placed my hand on my heart and whispered: God, come here, be with us, please.

Now, we live in a time of dreams. God gives us dreams to fulfill, like learning salsa dance, playing piano, or doing volunteer work, traveling, and studying. Each of us lives to achieve our dreams. Evil still exists, but it won't stop us. I won't waste time fighting it. 

It seems like the time of heroes has ended. Instead, we focus on our aspirations.


I would like to go to an ashram in India!

My job contract is only for the winter season, so it ends at the end of March next year!

1. I go online to search:

“Ashrams in India”

2. I find the contact email address for as many ashrams in India as I'm interested in and send them all the following message:

“To the manager of the Ashram,”


Good afternoon,

My name is J. Silv, I'm Portuguese and I'm interested in volunteering at your ashram for three months.

I'm currently living in Finnish Lapland, where I work as a waitress in a hotel.

Before that, I worked in the plant and flower sector in Boskoop in the Netherlands,

I worked in a hotel in Scotland and in a restaurant in London and Edinburgh.

I volunteered at a children's institution in Thailand and on farms in Portugal (agricultural work).

For a few years now I've felt that I'd like to live the experience of living in an ashram!

I think it will be a challenge, but I would like to learn how to meditate and do yoga. Well, I'd love to learn anything you want to teach me and I feel we can work together.

I'm available for a volunteer project from April.

(If this is not the correct email address to send this message to, please provide me with the correct email address. Thank you)

My contact details:

My phone number: +000 555 666 777

My email address: ....@,,,.com

Yours faithfully,

J Silv. 


I miss practising my hobby:

My painting!

I'll find another hobby!

I found!!!!! here in the Village there is a Chess club, I'll sign up!
