Bach Flower

It is a natural healing method developed by Dr Edward Bach in the 20th century.

Bach Remedies consist of 38 essences that act on the patient to restore and balance their emotions.

These essences are made from plant extracts, except for one which is made from a specific type of water.

Dr Bach said that anyone who can recognise how they feel can self-medicate. However, if the patient is not able to do this, they can see a therapist who specialises in Bach Flower remedies.

Both humans and animals can take Bach Remedies.


Sit comfortably in a chair, preferably in the countryside, and relax,

Take ten deep breaths.

I must ask myself: What do I feel?

.The 38 flower elixirs are subdivided into seven groups.

FEAR: Rock Rose, Mimulus, Cherry Plum, Aspen, Red Chestnut.

DOUBTS/UNCERTAINTIES: Cerato, Scleranthus, Gentian, Gorse, Hornbeam, Wild Oat.

LACK OF INTEREST FOR THE PRESENT TIME: Clematism, Honeysuckle, Wild Rose, Olive, With Chestnut, Mustard, Chestnut Bud.

LONELINESS: Water Violet, Impatiens, Heather.


LACK OF COURAGE / DESPERATION: Larch, Pine, Elm, Sweet Chestnut, star of Bethlehem, Willow, Oak, Crab Apple.

EXCESSIVE CONCERN ABOUT OTHERS (The need to care for and help others): Chicory, Vervain, Vine, Beech, Rock Water.


Bach Flower Remedies

 I looked for information from several sites, such as:


This Bach Flower has 5 flowers in its composition: Rock Rose, Impatiens, Cherry Plum, Star of Bethlehem, Clematis. This flower is used in emergency situations. It is for a person who is facing a very demanding situation.

This remedy relieves the symptoms, while the other 38 Bach Flowers 'cure' the cause of the disorder.

If you are curious about trying Bach Remedies and don't know which remedy to take.

You can start with the emergency Bach Flower, Rescue Remedy.

How to take rescue remedy?

Bach Flower therapist: Per day, Take 4 drops, in the morning on an empty stomach. Continue until you have finished the bottle.

Open your mouth, lift your tongue, place the drops under your tongue and let them absorb naturally.


"My opinion: Per day, Take 6 drops in the morning on an empty stomach and 6 drops at bedtime. Continue until you finish the bottle".

Open your mouth, lift your tongue, place the drops under your tongue and let them absorb naturally.

There are seven groups of 38 flower elixirs.


Rock rose: If you have a terrifying fear of something, this floral will give you the courage to face it. For example, a panic attack is harmonized. (You should take it until you feel results.)

Mimulus: For when people fear known things, and it helps them overcome shyness. 

Cherry Plum: For mental, emotional, physical and behavioural disorders. It harmonizes the side effects of other medicines. It helps to clarify ideas, and to let go of addictions.

Aspen: It gives us the courage to listen to our intuition and heart. It is also for people who are afraid to go to sleep.

Red Chestnut: For when people have excessive concern for loved ones or are afraid of losing control. We must trust in Divine Providence.



Cerato: For an indecisive person who seeks the advice of others.

Scheranthus: For a person who finds it difficult to make the best decisions in life. It brings determination.

Gentian: Someone who has given up on something concrete (for example, I have given up studying).

Gorse: A person who has given up on fighting (and is in deep pain). It brings them the courage to live life and move forward. For example, terminally ill patients.

Hornbeam: It brings willpower to the lazy.

Wild Oat: For someone who feels lost. What is my purpose in life? What path should I take?



Honeysuckle: For people who are struggling to let go of the past.

Wild Rose: For people who are dissatisfied with life, or contented people.

Clematis: It helps people being in the moment. In other words, being safe and in harmony here and now.

Olive: It gives us energy to live. It’s for people who are tired, that is, people without the strength to carry on, or people who need hydration.

With chestnut: For a person who has a lot of worrying thoughts—mental torment—or a very creative person.

Mustard: For a person who is deeply sad or depressed.

Chestnut Bud: For dealing with past experiences, that is, a person who is always making the same mistakes. (It helps students to concentrate) It is prescribed for people with Dawn Syndrome.



Water Violet: a serious and reserved person, and those who love to be alone.

Impatiens: A person who has no time for anything. It brings patience and kindness.

Heather: A person who feels misunderstood. They speak, but no one listens. It helps the person express themself better. Also, for a person who is suffering from loneliness.

Agrimony: The Agrimony state is the person who always smiles, even when in pain. It's great for fake people who are always putting on a 'face' for the world to see, but aren't really themselves. Also good for people who have difficulty expressing themselves or suffer from anxiety. It can also be used to combat obesity and alcoholism. It is said to be the most fearless of all the Bach flowers because it reveals the truth of each person.

Centaury: For the nice and kind people who like to help others. For someone who is afraid to say "no" or an influential person. It brings determination and strength to speak. It is good for submissive people. It is a great Bach flower for self-love, as are Larch and Crab Apple. These three Bach flowers are a great combination for boosting self-esteem.

Walnut: It protects against outside influences. For people who give more value to the opinion of others than to their own heart. It is good for life-changing moments. It is also good for people who often change their moods.

Holly: For people who do not accept what life has to offer at the moment. It’s appropriate in the fight against anger, jealousy and envy.



Larch: For self-confidence. For people to believe in their abilities and those who feel inferior to others.

Pine: For those who self-reproach or feel excessive guilt.

Elm: For people troubled with too many responsibilities.

Sweet chestnut: Useful for people in total despair. It helps them get out of a state of anguish, and enter a state of happiness.

The Star of Bethlehem: It inspires self-esteem. It harmonizes deep pain and anguish arisen from trauma or shock. It helps with physical healing (for example, in postoperative situations).

Willow: It leads a hurt person to deal with personal responsibility.

Oak: For subservient people or those with too much responsibility on their shoulders, or a person who is afraid to say “no”.

Crab Apple: It is used for purification. A person who is insecure about their body image, or a person with obsessive compulsive disorder.



(People who are constantly assisting others)

Chicory: For self-interested people, in other words, they give but they always want something in return.

Vervain: People who suffer because they love to give opinions and advice to others.

Vine: For very demanding people, that is, people who always have to look good and do their best. Also, a tyrant person who imposes what they want on others regardless of whether they are children, students, and colleagues.

Beech: For annoying, conflicted people, or someone who needs to be tolerant.

Rock Water: (the only essence that is not derived from flowers but rather from Celtic altars) Recommended for highly professional people since it brings harmony to people, flexibility in acting, and harmony to an austere and rigid person. 

How to take the Bach Flowers:

Fill a 'small water bottle' with tap water, the equivalent of a glass of water. (I recommend taking the flowers this way).

Then add two drops of each Bach Flower you have chosen (do not add more than 6 Bach Flowers.)

Throughout the day, take small sips of this 'little bottle of water' mixed with the two drops of each Bach Flower you have chosen.

So, every day... Before you leave the house, prepare your "little bottle of water" with your Bach flowers for the day.

Follow this recipe for at least two months.

Another way to take your Bach Flowers:


Choose the Bach Flower you'd like to take.


When you wake up in the morning, on an empty stomach, take two drops of each Bach Flower you have chosen, (However, if it's the Rescue Flower Bach, that's four drops, not two drops). Place the drops directly in your mouth.


Open your mouth, lift your tongue and place two drops of your chosen Bach flower under your tongue and allow it to absorb naturally, don't swallow the drops.

Continue this treatment for at least two months.

Do not take more than six Bach flowers at a time.

*Dr Bach says that we should only take two drops of the Bach Flower of our choice.

*How do I (J´Silv) take my Bach Flower?

First of all:

I choose the Bach flowers I want to take, let's say I want to take three: the larch, the centaury and the crab apple.


I take one Bach flower at a time. First the Larch, then when I've finished that, I go on to the second one I've chosen, the Centaury, and when I've finished, I go on to the third one, the Crab Apple.

I take one Bach flower at a time, six drops in the morning when I wake up and six drops in the evening before go to bed, until I've finished the bottle.