Get out of your comfort zone!

Go for a run outside

Clean your house

and throw out or donate things that you don’t need.

The Letter Therapy:

Write 4 letters to God/Universe/Inner Self

·         First letter, theme: write about everything you feel, what you think, what is happening in your life, your dreams; write from your heart what you want, what bothers you, talk to God.

·         After 72 hours, write the second letter to God.

Second letter, theme: describe the current moment. For exemple:

“Hello God, this letter is for you,

I’m Margarida, I’m 42 years old, I live in Dublin, I’m married and I have four children.

I’m a maths teacher at school…

I am a teacher of four different classes. The 6th A graders are very polite, the 6th B graders are very smart...

I'm thinking of making some changes in the kitchen...

My daughter Madalena is struggling with History, which worries me (...)

(...) Describe your current life. Don’t talk about the past or the future, talk about the present.


However, at the end of the letter, write:

God, I love you so much. Please, I ask you to forgive my current, my past, and my future mistakes.

With love,


.      72 hours after the 2nd letter, write the third letter.

The third letter to God, theme: Gratitude.

Speak to God and express gratitude for your life.


.     After 72 hours, write the 4th letter to God.

Fourth letter to God, theme: answer the question: how can I respect other people’s opinions?

After writing each letter, burn them and throw the ashes into a garden near your house

. You can also write a “free” letter to God, about whatever you want, and at the end you burn the letter. This letter need not be part of this sequence of four letters to God. This is a “free letter”.

Do volunteer workGo out of your Comfort zone (check on websites, i did by wwoof).

Go to a great wizard. As a matter of fact, go to the best one you know. Don’t go there and talk a lot, a wizard is a sensitive person, just ask what you need.

They don’t need to know you, they feel you. You just need to listen to any advice they may give you.

Family constellation therapy –  Bert Hellinger  

It’s group therapy. Choose a great therapist. I totally advise you to do it.

*They use an interesting healing method. The therapist creates a morphogenetic field where the “problem” of the patient is constellated. 

(There are several videos on the internet showing how this therapy is done. It’s easier to watch the videos to understand.)

The aim of this therapy is to heal or transmute dysfunctional patterns in ourselves, our family history or even our country's problems.

These patterns will certainly be negative and destructive mental/emotional or physical patterns.

This therapy states that past generations have an influence on future generations. Sometimes everything that was denied or rejected in the past reappears in the future to be healed and accepted. "Those who don't know their history tend to repeat it."

In my opinion, it is important to schedule three sessions: 


1st theme: Interrupted Movement,

2nd Theme: Inner Child,

3rd theme: Open theme.


Let's say your issue is an open theme: what does that mean?

It means that in the therapy session you will be "cured" of whatever is bothering you the most at that moment. (Sometimes we think that our "problem" is our dysfunctional relationship with our work colleagues. But actually it's the relationship with mum, for example.

Following these three sessions, you may discover that you require additional therapy sessions, that is, more "family constellations." Your therapist, will also give you an opinion on what should be done.


Several themes can be ‘constellated’, for example:


Talk about your feelings (‘I am terrified’) or if you are having work-related problems; or if you have a tobacco or alcohol addiction; or if you are being bullied at school or at work;

“I don't know what to do with my life”, this thought appears when you feel lost. ‘I can't study, I am very depressed, I have suicidal thoughts, I have no appetite, I do not feel like I am a beautiful person, I don't like my body, and I don't identify with my body’.

‘My husband attacks me, so I want revenge. My family is destroyed. My kids hate each other. I always have financial problems; I have a toenail fungus. I have a disease (say the name of the disease). In my family, we are all immigrants. In my family, there are always premature deaths. In my family, there is always drug or alcohol abuse’.

Incest in the family,






You can ‘constellate’ the themes you require for yourself or another family member. For example, I could go to a therapy session, and ask to constellate, for example: “My mother has problems with my brother, and this bothers me! I would love if you (the therapist) could help me settle this conflict in my family.”

Or, “my grandmother has been in a lot of pain since my aunt died, and I'd like to help her.”


Therapy is somewhat surprising.

I once did a therapy to treat my family's nail fungus. This is what I discovered:


[In my family, the old generation has nail fungus, and the young generation has the same problem, even though they have proper hygiene care. Nail fungus is a familial disease.


In the constellation, it turned out that nail fungus was associated with all my ancestors who died at sea. I come from a country known for its fishermen and navigators, and in my family, the men were all in the navy. There was a deep connection to the sea.

This constellation was interesting as it was good for me to recognize and honour all my family members who had died at sea. Now they are in my mind and in my heart.]


This therapy helps "cure" personal problems, and also helps transmute dysfunctional family energy patterns. For example, in my case, nail fungus. (However it is important to maintain all the physical care, prescribed by the dermatologist, regarding nail fungus).

Now, addressing more delicate problems:  constant premature deaths in families, or several family members being alcoholic, or the daughter being sexually promiscuous “because she is releasing her grandmother's anger for having been forced to marry someone she didn't love”.


If you don’t have the money to pay for a session (it is expensive, but I recommend it), you can ask the therapist if you can watch a group therapy.

You can say to the therapist: "I’d like to ask you if I can watch the therapy session, I don’t want to constellate/ have a session for myself, I would just like to watch someone else’s therapy." However, there are also individual sessions. In that case, you will not be able to attend. But try to get a group therapy. It is wonderful. Remember: the therapist has to be very good, choose the best. If the therapist is not good, I do not advise you to go.


By joining the group, you are also healing yourself.

*They use an interesting healing method; the therapist creates a field where the “problem” of the patient is constellated. 

(There are several videos on the internet showing how this therapy is done. It’s easier to watch the videos to understand.)




Meditate. Nowadays, there are cell phone apps you can use to meditate. You can install one.


Go for a walk at the end of the day, just if  you cannot running.



Doing Hebrew Pendulum, or


once a week is great. (Complementary Therapy).

Find a great therapist. This therapy can be done at a distance.

It would be better if you took a Reiki Course – levels one and two. There would be an inner opening and a cleansing process.


Both people and animals can benefit from Hebrew pendulum therapy. I usually have it done on my dog. The Hebrew Pendulum therapy is also used to treat the energy of spaces. I use it to clean my house. This cleansing can be done by the therapist at a distance. At a distance, my Hebrew Pendulum therapist cleans the energy in my house and treats my dog. For the therapist to heal my house, I draw the blueprint of my house and send it by email. I also send a picture of my dog.


Listen to classical music when you cook, take a shower, are on the bus, go to the supermarket, or let it play at home. Classical music emanates a high level of energetic vibration. Train your ears to listen to it.

Sit on the couch, close your eyes and listen to the music, peacefully.

Classical music helps you relax and feel pleasure.


Get a massage, but be careful in choosing the masseur as we send energy through our hands. They should be a good person and, of course, professional.


Do homeopathy. This is very important!!!


Make a pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela or Fátima. Or somewhere else that is meaningful to you. You can do it even if you are not a religious person. It's great to take long walks. And pilgrimage sites usually have accommodation reserved for pilgrims. Don't go saying, "Ahhh... I made a pilgrimage because it was good for me to go for a walk."  No! Keep quiet. Your faith is your own business. Nobody has anything to do with it. Going for a long walk helps us free ourselves from stress.

The pilgrims' paths have everything organized and arranged, and they are safe. You can also go with a group, but do not bring any friends or colleagues, or family members. Sign up with a group of strangers. Look for a travel agency as they offer organized tours, which are not very expensive. Go by yourself, learn to be alone, and meet people who are different from you.


Go to a place of worship, like a church, and pray. Talk to God. And after talking to God, shut up and listen to what he tells you. Remain silent, and breathe calmly and peacefully. Don't simply go to church, talk and leave immediately. 

Go to an Ashram in India

Spending three/four months isolated in an ashram in India is great for evolving.

“I believe” that meditation and yoga help us transmute negative thoughts or emotional patterns. Three months is the minimum for it to take effect. It could take 5 to 7 months. 

People who are naturally negative should stop what they are doing and heal. Free yourself from death and go towards life.

Also, for people with troublesome lives who want to take some time away from violent environments, going to an ashram is great. It's good to relax, and get inspired. 

It is said that meditation also helps us to listen to our 'inner self'. This means that when people are a bit lost in life, meditation gives us access to our inner self, and so we can find out what the next step in our life is, or what decision we need to make.


Today, ashrams welcome people on vacation for a short period of time, such as a week or 21 days. 


I recommend going by the old-fashioned way, that is, the Karma yoga way!

1.     Search on the internet for:

Ashrams in India.


2.    Send an email, saying:

 “To the Ashram Administrator!”


In the email, introduce yourself, and talk a bit about your life. Afterwards, write that you would like to do volunteer work at the ashram and in return receive yoga classes, meditation, and kirtan, water, food and electricity for free.

Introduce yourself and talk about your educational and professional background, who your family is, your age and your country. Tell them that you would like to have this experience of living in an ashram for 3/5 months.

But make sure to choose one with meditation and Yoga.

Choose an ashram with yoga classes because it is a physical activity. And as human beings, it is good to move our body. It is necessary! People atrophy if they don't physical exercise. Especially if you go to an ashram for more than 1 month... you should to do physical exercise.

Now, if they say “no”, respect them, but try to persuade them to say “yes” if possible. For example, “I'm willing to do my volunteer work—Karma Yoga—and I can pay around *** euros per month to help with my expenses. (You can use the country's minimum wage as a guide.)”

But first, try it for free.

You can be in Ashrams for free but you have to do volunteer work. However, remember that India is a very “poor country”, so if you can pay for your expenses, that would be nice.


* However, Karma yoga exists and there are people who really have to do it. (Especially people with mediumship). If you believe that this experience is important to you, try an ashram where you will not be required to pay, but you may be required to stay for more than three months. It is already expensive having to pay for plane tickets and visas. (If you go to an ashram, you're not always on your phone or using the internet. It's going to the ashram and not picking up the phone, not once. The ashram helps to free you from the outside world - This is the purpose.)

You can find "Sounds of Nature” or “Sounds of angels” on the internet, listen to them at home, and clean the dense energy in your home. When you go out, let the music playing. Open every door in the house so the “sounds of nature” can reach everywhere. Leave one or two windows slightly open to allow negative energy to escape.


Drink different types of tea.


Play football or basketball with your friends.

Find a psychologist who doesn’t know any of your family members, that is, that has no connection or that don’t have something in common with your family.

If you are going to ask a psychologist for help and he says he can’t help you because it may not be the most appropriate therapy, according to that psychologist opinion, don’t insist and just go to another psychologist.

Read the books about Angels. There is an Irish woman who sees and talks with Angels. I like her very much. I love Angels!


Scream in your car, but first close the windows, and crank up the music so no one can hear you. It helps release frustration. Make some noise.


Sing at home. Singing takes away bad energies.

Learn to sing by listening to the lyrics of the songs. Print a lyric of a song you like, and write in pencil the meaning in your native language, and sing.


Go to the beach.


Ask yourself questions and WRITE the answers.

(Sign your name and burn the papers)

My reflections 

Will this feeling help me solve anything?

Am I dressed well? Or could I dress better and more appropriately for the occasion?

Are my clothes appropriate for my age?

How would you like to dress?

What is happening that has a positive impact on my life?

What are my needs?

Do I have any hobbies?

If not, what would I like to do? (e.g. painting, drawing, playing the drums, learning to cook, sewing, pottery, taking singing lessons, teaching, dancing...)

Do I have the right to say yes?

Is it healthy for me to have a close relationship with my family?

Where is the love in my life?

Are people "dimming my light" or am I "dimming the light" of others?

Would I rather die than go on living?

If I had access to all the answers, what would I want to know?

What is it like to be an angel?

Am I too heavy/thin?

What have I said in the past that I now regret?

Am I thinking and saying bad things about my best friend? And am I tired of them?

When did you stop believing?

When was the last time you stopped to enjoy the silence? Have you ever done meditation? Have you ever listened to the birds chirp in the street or the sea waves susurration?

If I could fulfil one wish in my life, what would it be?

Do I really have a bad character?

Do I ever get out of my comfort zone? When was the last time I did something for the first time?

Today, before I left the house, did I put the rubbish in the bin?

Am I able to get rid of this feeling?

Is there freedom in ignorance?

What am I afraid of?

Do I wish bad things for my parents or children?

Where would I like to live?

What kind of job would I like to have in my life?

What is more important to me, to be happy or to be at peace?

Do I need therapy, and if so, what kind?

A teacher means to me...

Am I telling the truth in answering this questionnaire?

Signature: _____________________________.



Take a tour of all the museums in your area with a guide. Don't go to museums without a guide, because that way you won't learn much there.

If you don’t have a life, get one.

Look at and accept your body image.

"Oh, I have eyes, they're round with an oriental look, and they're dark brown, and I can see. It is so good being able to see!! Ahh, I have a nose, I breathe through my nose. I adore it. Look, I have a mouth! It opens and closes, and it has teeth inside. and my lips are so beautiful! I feed myself using my mouth. My teeth gnash food, and my tongue tastes it. I adore it. I have ears, and I can hear! I have a chin, a brow, and hair! My hair is dark and it protects my head. I have arms and tits, as well as a stomach and a navel. And my hands... Oh, how I adore them... I paint with my hands. Look, I have legs, I move my legs, and I walk, and I go where I want!!! I have feet with toes and nails!... and I dance and move my whole body. I move, I see, I hear, I speak, I make sounds. Wow!! And my skin is this colour.  Ahhhh.... I love this colour. My skin is more pinkish in the hands. My body is warm and it has a vertical shape.”  Accept your body, whether you think it's beautiful or not. It's your body. Look at yourself. Be brave! 

Go to the doctors for a blood test; a dentist and ophthalmologist; a genecologist, a dermatologist; and a nutritionist.

God’s Violet Light Flame Therapy is a flame of transmutation, forgiveness and divine mercy.

There are several websites on the internet where you can find violet flame therapy meditation.


Always wear an amethyst stone and a black tourmaline in your left pocket/or as a bracelets, and in your backpack/lady's suitcase.

Pray every day, and you can even start creating your prayers. If you decide to write your prayers, avoid words with negative connotations.

Words such as, no, never, sins, pains, sinners, wickedness, blindness... Do not use these kinds of words. If you want to write your prayers, choose a golden or violet notebook.

Socialize and meet people. Talk to them and smile. Meet co-workers at work, the school, the gym, or the café. Don't be arrogant, talk with people. Don't say: “Ah! I don't identify with anyone in my class.” This is a weird thing to say! Try to get to know people, even if you find them different, and you don't become friends, you can always learn something new from them.

Practise physical exercise. Go for a run in the streets of your neighbourhood; racing is great, and so is doing cardio. You can buy a "step machine" (it is a small machine you can have at home). I like it very much!


Write a gratitude book.


Write a diary.


Take dance classes.

Show your personality! You have your own dreams and preferences. We can all have different tastes. It's okay to have a personality. However, avoid sharing your opinion about things!

It’s ok to talk to people and say: “I like the summer, I don’t like strawberry ice cream, I like lettuce…”. That’s great!!!

Now, if you start saying: “I think this, I think that!!!” … Don’t do it! Please, avoid using the verb “think” and its synonyms. Ok!?

Unless people ask you to! If your best friend asks you for an opinion, you can and should give it to them. Now, if your employer or a neighbour asks you… think carefully before you speak. Be careful!

When you share with your best friend your opinion (if he has asked you to), tell the truth and be kind with the words you use.


Place papers with the phrase "I am courageous" all over the house: in the fridge, the bathroom, the office, and on the table next to the television.


Feng Shui your home and workplace. 


Spend three months praising people. 

Praise people: “Say: Thank you, Today you did well, I liked your presentation at work, I like the colour of your sweater, I love the area where you live, your house is so welcoming, I liked the food you cooked”. Always have a smile on your face when you praise! Your son is very hardworking, so thank him! It’s the best compliment you can give a person.

Be honest in your compliments. Find the good in others and work to improve it.

Make a painting.

Read self-help books.

Do Hoponopono therapy for your father and mother.

Eat well and enjoy the food you like eating.

Do theatre.


When someone talks badly of a colleague of yours at work, try to leave the conversation. Avoid talking badly of others behind their backs as much as possible. During the talk, say you need to go to the toilette and leave the conversation.


Moisturizing cream therapy.

After bathing, put hydrating cream all over your body. Do it having an intention in mind – giving love to your body. Allow yourself to take care of your body, give it love, touch it with love, be kind to your body. Our body has a physical memory (for example, people who have suffered a lot of aggression), so allow yourself to touch your body with affection when you are applying moisturizing cream with love in mind.

Bach Flower

It is a natural healing method developed by Dr Edward Bach in the 20th century. Bach Remedies consist of 38 essences that act on the patient to restore and balance their emotions.

These essences are made from plant extracts, except for one which is made from a specific type of water.

Both humans and animals can take Bach Remedies.

Dr Bach said that anyone who can recognise how they feel can self-medicate. However, if the patient is not able to do this, they can see a therapist who specialises in Bach flower remedies.

I must ask myself: What do I feel?


The 38 Bach Flower are subdivided into seven groups

FEAR: Rock Rose, Mimulus, Cherry Plum, Aspen, Red Chestnut.

DOUBTS/UNCERTAINTIES: Cerato, Scleranthus, Gentian, Gorse, Hornbeam, Wild Oat.

LACK OF INTEREST FOR THE PRESENT TIME: Clematism, Honeysuckle, Wild Rose, Olive, With Chestnut, Mustard, Chestnut Bud.

LONELINESS: Water Violet, Impatiens, Heather.


LACK OF COURAGE / DESPERATION: Larch, Pine, Elm, Sweet Chestnut, Star of Bethlehem, Willow, Oak, Crab Apple.

EXCESSIVE CONCERN ABOUT OTHERS (The need to care for and help others): Chicory, Vervain, Vine, Beech, Rock Water.


Bach Flower Remedies

 I looked for information from several sites, such as:



This Bach Flower has 5 flowers in its composition: Rock Rose, Impatiens, Cherry Plum, Star of Bethlehem, Clematis. This flower is used in emergency situations. It is for a person who is facing a very demanding situation. This remedy relieves the symptoms, while the other 38 Bach Flowers 'cure' the cause of the disorder.


If you are curious about trying Bach Remedies and don't know which remedy to take.

You can start with the emergency Bach flower Rescue Remedy.

How to take Rescue Remedy?

"My opinion: Take 6 drops in the morning on an empty stomach and 6 drops at bedtime until you finish the bottle".

Bach Flower therapist opinion: Take 4 drops in the morning on an empty stomach. Continue until you have finished the bottle.

Open your mouth, lift your tongue, place the drops under your tongue and let them absorb naturally.


There are seven groups of 38 flower elixirs.


Rock rose: If you have a terrifying fear of something, this floral will give you the courage to face it. For example, a panic attack is harmonized. (You should take it until you feel results.)

Mimulus: For when people fear known things, and it helps them overcome shyness. 

Cherry Plum: For mental, emotional, physical and behavioural disorders. It harmonizes the side effects of other medicines. It helps to clarify ideas, and to let go of addictions.

Aspen: It gives us the courage to listen to our intuition and heart. It is also for people who are afraid to go to sleep.

Red Chestnut: For when people have excessive concern for loved ones or are afraid of losing control. We must trust in Divine Providence.



Cerato: For an indecisive person who seeks the advice of others.

Scheranthus: For a person who finds it difficult to make the best decisions in life. It brings determination.

Gentian: Someone who has given up on something concrete (for example, I have given up studying).

Gorse: A person who has given up on fighting (and is in deep pain). It brings them the courage to live life and move forward. For example, terminally ill patients.

Hornbeam: It brings willpower to the lazy.

Wild Oat: For someone who feels lost. What is my purpose in life? What path should I take?



Honeysuckle: For people who are struggling to let go of the past.

Wild Rose: For people who are dissatisfied with life, or contented people.

Clematis: It helps people being in the moment. In other words, being safe and in harmony here and now.

Olive: It gives us energy to live. It’s for people who are tired, that is, people without the strength to carry on, or people who need hydration.

With chestnut: For a person who has a lot of worrying thoughts—mental torment—or a very creative person.

Mustard: For a person who is deeply sad or depressed.

Chestnut Bud: For dealing with past experiences, that is, a person who is always making the same mistakes. (It helps students to concentrate) It is prescribed for people with Dawn Syndrome.



Water Violet: a serious and reserved person, and those who love to be alone.

Impatiens: A person who has no time for anything. It brings patience and kindness.

Heather: A person who feels misunderstood. They speak, but no one listens. It helps the person express themself better. Also, for a person who is suffering from loneliness.

Agrimony: The Agrimony state is the person who always smiles, even when in pain. It's great for fake people who are always putting on a 'face' for the world to see, but aren't really themselves. Also good for people who have difficulty expressing themselves or suffer from anxiety. It can also be used to combat obesity and alcoholism. It is said to be the most fearless of all the Bach flowers because it reveals the truth of each person.

Centaury: For the nice and kind people who like to help others. For someone who is afraid to say "no" or an influential person. It brings determination and strength to speak. It is good for submissive people. It is a great Bach flower for self-love, as are Larch and Crab Apple. These three Bach flowers are a great combination for boosting self-esteem.

Walnut: It protects against outside influences. For people who give more value to the opinion of others than to their own heart. It is good for life-changing moments. It is also good for people who often change their moods.

Holly: For people who do not accept what life has to offer at the moment. It’s appropriate in the fight against anger, jealousy and envy.



Larch: For self-confidence. For people to believe in their abilities and those who feel inferior to others.

Pine: For those who self-reproach or feel excessive guilt.

Elm: For people troubled with too many responsibilities.

Sweet chestnut: Useful for people in total despair. It helps them get out of a state of anguish, and enter a state of happiness.

The Star of Bethlehem: It inspires self-esteem. It harmonizes deep pain and anguish arisen from trauma or shock. It helps with physical healing (for example, in postoperative situations).

Willow: It leads a hurt person to deal with personal responsibility.

Oak: For subservient people or those with too much responsibility on their shoulders, or a person who is afraid to say “no”.

Crab Apple: It is used for purification. A person who is insecure about their body image, or a person with obsessive compulsive disorder.



(People who are constantly assisting others)

Chicory: For self-interested people, in other words, they give but they always want something in return.

Vervain: People who suffer because they love to give opinions and advice to others.

Vine: For very demanding people, that is, people who always have to look good and do their best. Also, a tyrant person who imposes what they want on others regardless of whether they are children, students, and colleagues.

Beech: For annoying, conflicted people, or someone who needs to be tolerant.

Rock Water: (the only essence that is not derived from flowers but rather from Celtic altars) Recommended for highly professional people since it brings harmony to people, flexibility in acting, and harmony to an austere and rigid person. 

Of all the Bach remedies, there are four remedies that I think are good for everyone to take

1° Bach Flower Star of Bethlehem (traumas) then,

2° Bach Flower Larch (self-esteem) then,

3° Bach Flower Mustard (it is good for depression and to prevent sadness),

and 4° Bach Flower Mimulus to have the courage to face known fears such as public speaking, flying, shyness.

I took all four, one after the other.

(only start a remedy after you have finished the bottle of the previous one).

How do I take the medication/ my opinion:

I wake up in the morning and take 6 drops of the Star of Bethlehem remedy, on an empty stomach. I put the drops under my tongue and let my saliva absorb them naturally.

Before going to bed I take 6 drops of Star of Bethlehem.

When the bottle of Star of Bethlehem is finished, I move on to the second remedy, Larch. I follow exactly the same routine: 6 drops of Larch in the morning, 6 drops of Larch in the evening before going to bed. When this bottle is finished, I move on to the mustard flower and then to the Mimulus, following the same routine.

Place the drops under the tongue and allow to absorb naturally. Do not drink the drops. In other words, lift your tongue and drip the drops under your tongue.

From my experience with Bach Flowers, I think it's best to take one Bach Flower at a time, taking six drops of that flower in the morning and six drops of the same flower before going to bed, until you finish the bottle.


However, Flower Bach therapists say to take only 2 drops per day, of the bach flower you are using. 

I wake up in the morning and take two drops of Star of Bethlehem on an empty stomach. I put the drops under my tongue and let my saliva absorb them naturally. For a month.

After a month of taking the first Bach Flower I chosed, Star of Bethlehem, I move on to the second Bach flower, Larch

I follow exactly the same routine: 2 drops of Larch in the morning. After a month, I switch to mustard flower and then mimulus, following the same routine.

Place the drops under the tongue and let them absorb naturally. Don't drink the drops. In other words, lift your tongue and drip the drops under your tongue.

None of these suggestions are a substitute for a health professional.