1st The room has a bed, two bedside tables, and a closet.

2nd All other items are going to the bin or are to give away.

The closet, has clothes a trunk with old photographs/important items and empty space.

Here are some important aspects to consider:

  • Choosing bed sheets in light colors conveys the idea of hygiene.

  • The bed should be made of wood and have no storage underneath (such as drawers) to allow for proper air circulation. Additionally, it's not recommended for the bed to be too high. (The material wood, protects from harmful energies and energetic attacks.)

  • The bedroom curtains should be in light colors.

  • Make sure all lamps are in good working condition for adequate lighting.

  • Let the sun into your room, and open the window for the air to circulate.

  • The room must not have a carpeted floor. Carpet has 'earth energy', it is good for people who live in unreality as it helps them to be present and of course it is great for heating the house. However, it is not very hygienic and the room, if it is all carpeted, can become a heavy 'very earth' energy room. People who live in a very carpeted environment with wallpaper on all the walls end up feeling 'stuck' in their lives, like they are not moving forward.

  • We spend more than a third of our lives sleeping, so we must take care of our bedroom. 

  • Hang some pictures to your liking, and a picture of your happy family on the walls.

  • Never smoke in the room.

  • Don’t let people into your room, unless you have confidence in them.

  • Place a glass of water and coarse salt under your bed at your feet.

  • Place an amethyst under the bed in the area where your head will be.

  • I do not advise using old furniture inherited from ancestors. Unless it is energetically cleaned and the last owner of the furniture was a happy, prosperous and healthy person. You should use new furniture!

  • Leave a malachite crystal a peace lily in the room, and also a white orchid.

  • Burn myrrh incense.

  • All clothes and shoes must be inside lockers/closets.

  • Place the Aloe Vera plant in the room, as it purifies the air, and a small São Jorge sword.

  • For aromatherapy, lavender essential oil is good for the bedroom. Well, relax.

  • If you have a desk in your bedroom, "try to cover it up", like a piece of furniture that turns into a desk.

If it is a double bedroom, choose a white linen bed with red decorative pillows. Keep everything in pairs, i.e. the pictures on the wall, the two bedside tables... Red is a very strong colour and should be used sparingly. In a double bedroom, a few red elements can help to stimulate passion between the couple.

Photographs of the happy couple and their wedding day should be framed and red roses in a vase of water would be great.

Be careful about using strong colours in your home/room decoration. They become distractions.

How to clean the room?

1° Open the windows, to let air come in. And once a month, wash the curtains, (curtains should be light in color)

 2° remove the bed linen, and put it in the dirty laundry,

3°Vacuum the floor (if it is very dirty),

4° Clean the dust, pay attention to the drawers and shelves inside the closet, lights, and clean lamps. Dusting the skirting board.

5° Clean the windows (once a month),

6° Change the lennin of the bed (once a week), i recomend to have light colored lennin (feng shui),

7° Clean the door and handles and dust around the door.

8° Vacuum the room,

9° Mop the floor with soap product.

10° Light an incense/palo santo, with the intention: Purify, and leave a window, slightly open.

My closet

Which clothes should I wear?!?

Ask Yourself:

“Am I well dressed?”

“Do I dress according to my age?” (you can think about your age… is that important to you? Only you know how you feel...)

Take into consideration some clothing “laws”

  • Wear clothes that are your size.

  • Wear comfortable clothes.

  • Wear clothes that make you feel beautiful.

  • Wear quality clothing, not quantity clothing.

  • Wear clothes that are appropriate for the occasion (don’t wear yoga leggings to go to the supermarket nor go to a wedding in a informal suit).

  • Be discreet. It's not nice for other people to notice us solely due to the clothes we're wearing. 

  • Avoid displaying "luxury brands" on clothes, keep a low profile. You can be well dressed and have very expensive clothes, but avoid those with a visible 'brand'.

  • Never reject a person just for the clothes she wears.

Men should act in a masculine way and not be afraid of their masculinity. It's wonderful to see masculinity. Likewise women should be feminine and not be afraid of their femininity. 

(*It is important to remember that all transsexuals should be fully respected and therefore dress as they feel most comfortable).


Light-coloured clothing attracts positive energy and repels negative energy.

Basic clothing items:

3 tracksuits: one to exercise, one to clean the house, and one to be inside the house.

2 yoga outfits,

4 pretty complete outfits,

3 Tops that can be worn with the "4 complete outfits"

1 pair of hiking boots.

1 pair of winter boots.

1 pair of running shoes,

1 pair of beautiful and comfortable sneakers.

1 pair of flat sandals,

1 pair of  high shoes.

1 pair of flip flops.

An umbrella, and a warm winter coat. A hat for the sun. A raincoat, and a bag full of underwear.

A bikini, and a bathing suit.

Sunglasses and reading glasses, a purse/wallet and a coin purse.

A formal/ceremonial outfit.

5 reused shopping bags.

Your personal bag (a winter bag and a summer bag).

A bag to go to the beach.

A backpack (This bag can be used to go to school or to the gym).

A big bag to travel.

A pair of gloves and a winter scarf.

It is important to have empty space in our wardrobe because we are telling to the universe that we are receptive to new clothes or important items.

The clothes we have in our wardrobe should match the season. Don't keep winter clothes in your wardrobe when it's summer. Use your home pantry to store the clothes you don't need at that time.

Extra basic information:

House decoration/ Feng Shui Basic

  • Home Furniture

Choose wooden furniture. Wood doesn't absorb people's energy so easily. Metal objects, on the other hand, absorb quickly. Avoid beds and tables made of metal or iron.

Try to keep almost everything in cupboards so that it doesn't collect too much dust and become difficult to clean.

Even shoes, put them in a cupboard. It's ugly to see people's shoes when we enter their house/room. 

  • In the entrance hall: 

Crystals: Amethyst, clear quartz, black tourmaline, selenite.

Plants: Peace lily (with the malachite crystal, in the vase), Saint George Sword and a small water fountain.

Wind chime bamboo.

Avoid putting too many things in the hallway. And never put a mirror in front of the front door.

Place a glass of water and salt on the floor behind the front door. Change the glass once a week.

  • In the living room place a large sphere of transparent Quartz together with a reasonable size Selenite.

  • In each room of the house (corridor, kitchen, bathroom, dining room, balcony, office, bedroom…)  you should put: a Malachite crystal, a peace lily plant and a glass of salted water on the floor.

  • My suggestion is a light floor colour and light walls.

  • In the kitchen, use red and yellow cloths and utensils to attract prosperity. The kitchen is synonymous with wealth, prosperity and gratitude as it is associated with food, the basis of human survival.

    In addition to the peace lily, always place a cactus in the kitchen, this is because it is an area with a lot of metal energy due to the appliances.

I suggest that you put ground coffee in a cardboard box, but don’t cover it. They are good for clearing heavy energy from places. Try to change it once a week. You can put it on top of a closet.

(Ask a coffee shop far from your home or work, if every Tuesday (or any other day of the week) you can stop by, at the end of the day, to pick up some ground coffee, that is, if they don’t mind giving it to you. Ask… don’t feel embarrassed!).

Change the rug at the entrance of your house every month (get an affordable one) and always try to buy the same type of rug, otherwise, your neighbours will find it strange that you change your rug monthly. Entrance mats absorb all the negative energy coming from the street.

When taking photographs with people, make sure everybody is always smiling and that you can see the whole body in the picture. (Cropped pictures of people emanate an energy of stagnation, that is, of not moving forward).

You should put seven bamboos in water in the bathroom as they attract good health. (Make sure you change the water once a week).

Always have white walls in hour house.

Choose square or rectangular houses. It’s terrible to live in a L- shaped house.

Have nothing on the ceiling, no chandeliers or fans (the energy that circulates throughout the house is atrophied), and also reject false ceilings made of wood.

Have a small altar at home. On it you can place, for example:

A holy book, a photograph of the family smiling and in which you can see the whole body, an amethyst, a black tourmaline, a myrrh incense, your gratitude diary; a white candle to pray to the Guardian Angel, another white candle to thank God; an orchid, and the Antahkarana (symbol of meditation and healing). You can also put other symbols or sacred books you feel a connection with. 

Avoid doing this altar in the bedroom or the living room. It should be in a more reserved area like the kitchen.

Go to the internet and put on some music: sounds of nature, rivers flowing, animals playing (this cleans the energy in your home).

Don’t bring people home you don’t like. The house is yours; you are in command.

Look for educated / instructed neighbours. That way, you will end up learning from them.

Preserve the materials of your home and your street. Do not leave and destroy the playground for the kids in your area. Do not scratch tables or garden benches.

If you don’t have a dog park in your neighbourhood, email the president of your council / town hall to request one. Do it directly, politely and respectfully. (I did).

Do not throw garbage on the floor.

Pick up your dog’s poop, and don’t spit it on the street.

Never buy a house next to a hospital, a fire station, a police station, a cemetery or a church as they emanate evil energy.

Have clean windows, and place nothing on windowsills (for example, plants). The sunlight must enter freely without obstacles into the room. We must have free visibility.

Doors need to be able to open 90° minimum. Let love enter your home

Hang pictures on the walls with friendly themes (nature, sun, rivers, family …). Don’t decorate with weird, harmful and sadistic art, or strange creatures on the walls.

Always try to have plants in your house.

The windows are the eyes of the house, and the door is the mouth.

Play classical music all over the house to clear away negativity. Burn myrrh incense. Open slightly all the doors and windows.

If you can plant some plants in a garden, in the street or the back of your building, plant rosemary, lavender, sage, and rue. They emanate great energy and protect everything around them. But beware that it may be illegal as it is on land that is not yours. Despite what has just been said, I did it once. I planted two lavender plants in front of my building.

Get a large peace lily plant and a saint George sword for the entrance hall of your building.

You should have a pepper plant in the house as it protects you from negativity, envy and the evil eye.

Place a tiny cactus near your computer, tablet, TV, on your desk and in the kitchen. The cactuses cut the electromagnetic radiation emanating from these devices.

Plant English ivy since it purifies the air or helps people to move forward in life.

Burn Palo Santo to clean the environment.

All rooms need to have windows.

Hang a picture on the wall with the symbol of the Antakarana – a powerful symbol of meditation and healing.

Also hang artwork that you or your family has done on the wall.

Play the hand-made Tibetan healing cup (corresponding to the fourth chakra) around the house, especially in the corners of the house.

Avoid mummified animals because they emanate death energy.