Managing Money

1st Do volunteer work

Before you become an excellent professional, become a good citizen.

During the week, do volunteer work once a week. Or…

While you are on holiday, volunteer on farms, enjoy the work, and travel around your country or the world.

Get inspired

The possibility of doing volunteer work on farms is great for everyone, but it is essential for people who live in heavy, toxic and violent environments, or people who are too attached to their families. 

Accepting this challenge in a foreign or in their own country could help them to rest, enjoy, reflect on life, and feel at peace. They should stay there two weeks or months.

When we feel at peace, we get inspired! Because we can hear our inner child. When we listen to our inner child, we know the next step to take.

Volunteer work also improves our character traits.

 “Without charity there is no salvation”

2nd Work.

A person should contribute to the world and not live off income.

3rd Always save a tenth of what you earn, and never use.

Never use. 

(*It would be great to save money for the wedding party and to decorate the baby's room and buy all the furniture to your future home - Let's be honest, I don't know if this is a man's first concern!)

4th Never steal anything

People tend to steal pens, notebooks, staplers from their workplace. If they work in a restaurant/pub, they steal cake or ice cream… No, don’t do that.  Or they steal actual money, for example, some people who manage public money from countries embezzle what they can or are involved in corruption cases. Don’t do that. (If you don't feel comfortable handling public money, ask to be assigned a new job position. Don't steal, and think about what's best for you!)


5th Don’t get into debt

If you don’t have money, don’t buy.

If you're going to apply for credit, it should only be to buy your house.

*Don't be ignorant and poor. Don't ask for a "credit" to go on holidays or buy luxury bags. If you can't afford it, don't buy it.

7th Suggestions for what to do with your money

·         One part of your money should be spent on culture and in a hobby on order to improve yourself and to enjoy life. (For example: enrol in a university and join dance classes; or do a professional course and take piano lessons; or learn a new language and join painting classes; or become a teacher in your professional area and /or tutor students and join the football club). Of course, you do all this while you work.

Leisure and learning are essential.


8th Step outside of your comfort zone and try other jobs

9th Emigrate - Do seasonal work!  

Do seasonal work in a hotel or on a farm, a cruise ship, a factory or work as a flight attendant. Fruit-picking is one of these seasonal jobs.

Important to know:

Emigrant: Person who leaves their country to live in another country.

For example, I am a Portuguese emigrant.


Immigrant: Person who is living and working outside the country of origin (Portugal).

For example: I am an immigrant in Scotland.

You can easily find these jobs and they are usually accommodation provided jobs. If you are thinking of doing this, you should always get seasonal jobs that provide accommodation for their workers.

10th Parents

should take into consideration that it is more important to stay with your children than earn more money.

“There is no success that is worth the destruction of a family.”

11th If you are an employer, never, under any circumstances, make a profit at your employees’ expense


12th Do not discuss your salary with anyone

13th Don’t bribe people


14th Invest in your talent

Don’t invest in a business you don’t have the expertise. The world wants your talent. Money comes from skill, never from any investment.


15th Stay as anonymous as you can

If your work brings you any public exposure, be as reserved as possible.


16th Be polite to everyone,

from the security guard, receptionist, teacher, housekeeper, manager, owner, economist to the director. Greet everyone.

Look everyone in the eyes and say ‘good morning’, regardless of their job position.


17th Talk to God about your professional life,

or about your savings, or where you want to invest your money. Trust your money to God. Everyone has the right to prosperity. So, write HIM a letter about your work.

Then burn the letter and place the ashes in the street garden.

18th Be authentic

Don't steal the others ideas. Don't imitate others.

19th Always try to have three sources of income

Remember: monetary prosperity is different from spiritual prosperity.

20. Have a profession!

This means that you should specialise in a profession. Study a technical course/university. Don't always have jobs, like being a waitress, a kitchen porter, or a shop assistant (because you don't need training for that). Try to specialise in something. For example, firefighter, nurse, teacher, plumber. LEARN - TAKE A COURSE!